Administrative Rule 6025-02
Step Advancement and Recognition for Part-Time Faculty
To define the process for compensatory step advancement on the part-time faculty salary schedule. To assure alignment for all part-time faculty with respect to the terms of salary schedule advancement and recognition.
Bargaining Unit Employees
Step advancement for part-time faculty subject to collective bargaining agreements shall be governed by their respective agreement; failing such provisions, board policies shall apply.
Part-Time Faculty
Step Advancement
Step advancement occurs with an accumulated 18 credit hours or 180 total hours or an equivalent combination of the two. To calculate step advancement, hours are totaled for the preceding summer through spring terms. Step advancement is retained regardless of the length of an employee’s separation from the college.
Step advancements are effective the first working day following the last day of summer term each year with the exception of special recognitions to part-time faculty (see below).
Within an annual time frame, each instructional division will have the option of designating noncontracted faculty members for special recognition. Community education may designate part-time faculty from each center. The number of faculty designated for special recognition by each instructional division and center will be determined annually by Academic Affairs. Special recognition will include a one step merit pay increase, unless the employee is already at the top step. Specially recognized part-time faculty who are already at the top step will receive a stipend.
The amount of the stipend will be determined annually by Academic Affairs.
Date of Adoption:
8/4/87, 10/17/11, 5/4/17
8/4/87, 10/17/11, 5/4/17, 5/6/21