


To describe the role of Advancement, Recruitment Marketing, and Institutional Effectiveness in purchasing advertising for college marketing purposes that fall within this category.



Advertising for general college image-building and public information is approved, prioritized, and placed by Advancement, Recruitment Marketing, and Institutional Effectiveness. Advancement will also provide oversight of design
and messaging.

Advertising for individual divisions and programs is placed by Advancement, Recruitment Marketing, and Institutional Effectiveness at the request of the division dean and/or program area. The cost of running these ads is collectively decided upon by the requesting division/program area in collaboration with the appropriate marketing department.

Advertisements for staff positions, legal notices, etc., are placed by the President's Office, Academic Affairs, Business Office, or Human Resources.



Date of Adoption:

Dates of Revision:
11/4/97, 5/7/15, 1/3/19, 2/2/23
Dates of Review:
12/15/09, 5/7/15, 1/3/19, 2/2/23