Freedom of Expression
博天堂官方 and its Board of Education believe that freedom of expression is essential to the fulfillment of our mission, values, and goals.
The purpose of this policy is to affirm and guide our deep commitment to free expression. We believe that engaging with individuals and groups with beliefs and perspectives different from our own is a learning experience that enhances our understanding of the world and ourselves.
As an inclusive college, 博天堂官方 commits to protecting and creating the opportunity for expression by all of us in a manner that fosters inquiry, debate, and understanding. We accept that we will encounter expression that may create a wide range of feelings, including discomfort, anger, frustration, and offense. We value the learning experience that results from thoughtful engagement with all protected expression, knowing free expression is necessary for accomplishing our mission and sustaining our values.
Learn Your Rights and Responsibilities
In the following sections, persons/groups/department personnel wishing to share a message at 博天堂官方 will find guidance on the many times, places and manners by which expression is fully supported and protected in a content-neutral manner. While individuals are welcome to share diverse viewpoints, the college expects attempts to also keep our expression of disagreements both constructive and respectful (see "Respectfully Engage" below to understand how to disagree with respect and to find expressive workshops, club gatherings, and events.)
Also see headings below for information on inviting or organizing "Speakers & Events," using designated spaces and guidelines for "Posting Content;" including use of bulletin boards, whiteboards, digital signage, field signs and the like; information on appropriate spaces/means of protesting or demonstrating on campus.
Learn our three types of spaces, each with its own expressive guidelines/rules:
- Non-Public Forum — Classroom and offices, for example. Are there speech rights in these spaces?
- Limited Public Forum — Library, Learning Center, theaters, and spaces where scheduled events occur. What are the rules for these spaces?
- Open Public Forum — Where do we have the greatest freedoms?
Understand how the college will respond to situations when "Protected Speech Contradicts College Values." And learn the "Exceptions", which are the types of speech that will never be protected and may be subject to interruption or consequences under our Student Rights, Responsibilities & Conduct Code. Finally, learn what the college has committed to do when "Protected Speech Contradicts 博天堂官方 Community Values" (see Administrative Rule 1055-01: Time, Place, and Manner of Free Expression).
Respectful Engagement
The college and its student clubs offer several resources for learning about respectful engagement with viewpoint diversity. These resources include:
- Join us for expressive events coming soon in our community
- Student clubs and co-curriculars
- 博天堂官方 Civil Discourse Club
- Other club/co-curricular opportunities to gather around shared interests
- Yearning to learn or read more on free expression
Times, Places & Manners of Speech
Bringing Your Message to Campus
博天堂官方 art galleries are either Non-Public Forum or Limited Public Forum where art is displayed by permission of the college and/or any recognized student group appointed to select and hang art. No individual, employee, student or public person has a right to post in these galleries except through the art submission processes established by each gallery and the art department or gallery sponsor. The college will generally refrain from interfering with the selection processes established by those who manage the art galleries and will refrain from judging the content or message of the artist in terms of right to post. Individuals wishing to offer art for gallery display should contact art faculty.
For rules on Non-Public Forum and Limited Public Forum, see those headings in Administrative Rule 1055-01: Time, Place, and Manner of Free Expression.
Art galleries may display art that is controversial or only for adult viewing. Parental discretion is advised in these areas. Galleries are strongly encouraged to post signs at all entrances to notify students and the public when they are entering a gallery which may contain content not suitable for children. In addition, galleries are encouraged to be thoughtful to post mature art in locations where students and the public (including children) may opt in, rather than be forced to opt out.
Individuals or student groups wishing to post art in Open Public Forum may use the public bulletin boards and other Open Public Forum spaces to share their art so long as they comply with all rules for those spaces.
For information about where you can post flyers, look at the "Bulletin Boards" section of Administrative Rule 1055-01: Time, Place, and Manner of Free Expression.
Electronic monitors are for college and student organization use only. Whiteboards and digital signage for communications in public or limited public spaces will be treated otherwise as bulletin boards and are designated for user at time of placement. To add a whiteboard, bulletin board, or digital signage for college department use, the building manager must consent. To add these for student, student organization, or public use, they must be approved by the Dean of Students and the relevant building manager. In some cases, the college will consult student leaders on the addition of or removal of these communication tools.
Administrative Rule 1055-01: Time, Place,and Manner of Free Expression contains rules about student publications.
Administrative Rule 7030-01: Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code (Section B) discusses the freedom to create student publications.
Speakers and Events
What Speech is Not Protected
- See Administrative Rule 1055-01: Time, Place, and Manner of Free Expression for non-protected speech (harassment, threats, etc.).
- See Administrative Rule 1055-01: Time, Place, and Manner of Free Expression for limitations on posting to exterior building doors ("Doorway Posting"). Only two departments may post to exterior building doors: Facilities may post college closure notices and Public Safety may post safety notices or other notices as required by law.
- Posting of materials on brick or painted walls is not permitted by any person, employee or otherwise.
- Posting or materials in restrooms is not permitted by any person, employee or otherwise.
- Cell phone and camera use is not permitted in restrooms, locker rooms, or areas where people dress and undress.
- Faculty and employees govern whether cell phones may be used in class or staff offices. The default policy (Administrative Rule 7030-01: Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code) states that, without permission, cell phones are not to be used in these locations. Exceptions may be granted by Accessibility Resources.
- If a type of expression is not listed, it is prohibited.
When unprotected speech occurs, the college may choose to stop or remove the speech, give consequences for the speech, add its own speech, or take other appropriate actions.