A Business Administration degree can prepare you to pursue a variety of career opportunities
in business administration and merchandising. Through advanced courses taught by industry
professionals, you’ll learn the skills you need to thrive in a global, diverse, fast-paced,
competitive environment.
Business Administration Emphasis, Associate of Science
This two-year degree prepares you to transfer to Oregon State University's Business
program. Work with your advisor to select the best courses required by your chosen
Transfer to Any Oregon University Business Administration Program
This degree allows you to transfer to another Oregon university’s Business Administration
program. Work with your advisor to select the best courses for your transfer destination.
Professional Business Certificate
This certificate is for professionals who want to gain a competitive advantage, increase
their value within their organization, and build their personal brand as well as entrepreneurs
who can grow their seedling ideas into fully fledged businesses.
This is a standard program. Learn more about our
average cost.